Got a spare hour or so? It’s time to start tossing. Grab a trash bag, a recycling bin and a few donation boxes and get down to business. Working room by room, here are the things you can get rid of right this second. Whether living in your own home, or a rental, these tips will help keep you organized and take the weight of clutter off your shoulders.
1. Expired food in your fridge and pantry. (Don’t forget to check all those condiments—they don’t last as long as you think).
2. Recipe books, cards and print-outs you don’t use.
3. Old or one-time use cleaning supplies under the sink.
4. Bottles of alcohol collecting dust.
5. Old, stained and tattered sponges, dishrags and hand towels.
Living Room
6. Magazines you’ve already read.
7. DVDs no one watches.
8. Knick Knacks that no longer speak to you.
9. Extra throw pillows and blankets.
10. Toys and electronics that aren’t played with or used.
11. Expired medications.
12. Old makeup, nail polishes and skin care products.
13. Any half-empty bottles or soap remnants in the shower.
14. Sample packets and hotel soaps, shampoos and lotions.
15. Any hair accessories, curlers or hot tools that don’t get used.
16. Extra sets of sheets—you only need two!
17. Clothes that don’t fit or you no longer wear.
18. Shoes that are worn out or never worn.
19. Jewelry that’s broken or never worn.
20. Extra buttons, clothing tags, safety pins and bobby pins.
21. Old instruction manuals.
22. Print-outs you don’t have use for.
23. Books you’ve already read, don’t like or won’t realistically get to.
24. Old tax documents, bills and pay stubs. (Shred these!)
25. Extraneous pens, pencils and other office supplies.

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